StudyTravel Taalreizen & Tussenjaar
Stand number #219
Study, Language courses, Gap year
StudyTravel Language courses & Gapyear
StudyTravel is the specialist who will create an unforgettable study period abroad for you. Together with peers from all over the world, you will learn to speak another language fluently and become acquainted with other cultures and lifestyles. As our students say: 'A life-changing experience'. Choose from more than 200 schools worldwide.StudyTravel offers programs from 1 week to a full school year where you can earn an internationally recognized diploma. In addition to the language & culture study/course, we also provide accommodation in a student house or host family. And of course there is a team on site to assist you with all kinds of activities and excursions.On our website we give you ideas and information for (part of) your gap year.We are happy to help you put together a program based on your wishes, goals and budget! StudyTravel has over 30 years of experience and is a member of SGR.
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The world is your playground
Kom naar De BuitenlandBeurs en ontdek alles over studie, stage en tussenjaar in het buitenland
The Go-Abroad Fair is the biggest event in the Netherlands for study, internship, gap year and (voluntary) work abroad
Once again a record number of visitors at The Go-Abroad Fair in Utrecht
Lisa van der Sluijs - Dutch student goes from Harvard to Paris
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